Utilizing the thorough investigation of massing studies and maneuverability from each program source to the next, and letting architecture exist in its simplest form was key. This allowed for the wealthy vagabonder of sins to create, live in, and submerge themselves into the surrounding spaces. Within this project I have created judgment and carefree spaces for sociable “temporary” overindulging in a prescribed variety of pleasurable ventures accompanied by illicit substances grown within, all representative of the religious 7 deadly sins. Designed to be exclusive and secretive to the public as it is the temporary home to the elite and wealthy vagabonder of sins. Each sector of sins consists of greed and sloth as the constant coordinators in relation to the distinguished sins. Assisting the vagabonder for an immense and intense relation with their chosen sins in the safest manner possible, out-of-this-world gardens are grown to directly supply the chosen illicit substances. Reaching the primary goal of a mutualistic relationship between the wealthy vagabonder of sins and the plants that reside within their privatized sinful spaces hidden by an envelope of normative function.